Katherine’s Five Rules

Katherine and I met recently through twitter and discovered that in addition to both having four children, we’re kindred spirits on many levels. This is her first post on my blog (hopefully not the last) and also the first in a new regular feature: My 5 Rules.  This is a lady who loves to laugh and share the crazy in her day – be sure to follow her and her crew on twitter @grass_stains .

Five Rules I Never Knew I Needed To Establish

1. Don’t climb the walls. And if you do, stop climbing after you make the first hole.

It's just a small hole, Mom.
It’s just a small hole, Mom.

2. Close doors after you open them. Yes, that one. Yes, that one too. AND THAT ONE.


3. Piggyback rides are limited to one rider.

Hold on tight!
Hold on tight!

4. Do not drop your 2-year-old sister from a height of four feet.

5. DO NOT teach your 2-year-old sister to trust-fall. BUT IF YOU DO, do it on a bed.


Go forth and check out Katherine and all her internet wonderfulness.

Author: Jan Moyer

Embracing my inner child since 2005.

14 thoughts on “Katherine’s Five Rules”

  1. I grew up in a family with four kids. None of those pictures were of shattered glass, so your kids are better behaved than we were. Good job!

  2. What a great video! I love how she just hurls herself backward without a thought about whether or not he’ll catch her. So great. And “are you ok…are you sure you’re ok?” then DROP! Too cute.

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