Coffee Shopping Like a Real Grown-Up

Once upon a time I went to a real coffee shop without any kids.

This is that time.

You can read it over here at Coffee Shopper’s (some of my favourite Americans blog over there).

Be sure to follow them on The Twitter and their own blogs, too. The tea-drinking, coffee blogger, Elizabeth and her partner in crime and caffeine, Laura. They are good people.

Pure Wander: “It’s the Journey”

Pure Wander: “It’s the Journey”

Pure Wander is a site for families who like to travel – near and far. You can find me over there today guest posting. We might not travel far (yet) but it’s always an adventure with our crew of six Moyers.

Check out the great travel tips and destinations.

Whiteboard Wednesday: Just Say the Grace Already

Leanne Shirtliffe is a humorist, writer, and teacher. You can find her on her blog, twitter, and on Facebook.

Today I am honoured to guest post for her regular feature, Whiteboard Wednesday: Things I Never Thought I’d Say to My Kids. While you’re over there, take some time to browse around – trust me.dlm-cover

Oh, and you should check out her book, Don’t Lick the Minivan. No, really, you should.

And now I present to you, “Just Say the Grace Already“.

The New Frontier: My First Podcast

I’ve listened to some podcasts, wondered about podcasts, and now I’m part of a podcast.

This is a conversation with my new friend, Michelle at People I Almost Know and also Steadily Skipping Stones

We chat about twitter, blogging, making friends through social media, my boys, and another great passion of mine: teaching.

Here’s mine: People I Almost Know: Wonder Woman Jan Moyer (she was very kind with the title).

Uncomfortable Truths

There is a woman in the US who is my American counterpart. It is eery how parallel our lives are and also our fondness for laughing at ourselves. Katherine puts the extra “u” in “humour”.

You can find me over there today, pinch hitting my Five Uncomfortable Truths. While you’re there, be sure to check out her posts (might I suggest other UCT to begin). And you can find her on twitter @grass_stains

Uncomfortable Truths at Grass Stains.

I Am a Mom

During my first podcast ever with Michelle and I recalled how I got started on Twitter and later with a blog. So I went back and read the first thing I wrote, a guest post on my friend, Amanda’s blog:

You can the read about the beginning of our friendship here:

and my first foray into blogging here:

There, history lesson done.